1610.... VOC want to do banten monopoly in the trade and seek new trade center, fell on the Jayakarta options that have sunda kelapa harbor. VOC then ask permission from the prince Jayakarta to use one of the island located in the Jakarta Bay. Prince Jayakarta approve the request. Created to the agreement, which contains dutch may take the wood to repair and ship them in the Jakarta Bay in the agreement signed on 10 - 13 November 1610
VOC again ask permission to build a shipyard in the Jakarta Bay, because the ship - the ship they often must undergo repairs after a long travel prince jayakarta gave the county permission of the island, which has extensive 12 ha, which is in about 14 km from the mainland by the island VOC given the name the island Onrust
1613 VOC start development on the island of Onrust up with the shipyard and warehouse. Jan Pieterszoon Coen also want to put colonies on the island of Onrust sent to the family in Chinese Onrust
1615 Onrust island has become a shipyard and warehousing. On the island there is also a small hospital to treat the sick sailors that while the city of Batavia has not been established
1616 Jan Pieterszoon Coen developed Onrust to become a frontline of defense because of increased threats by the people of Banten and the British. Coen gathered armada which consisted of 15 ship on the island to the keep the British Armada under command of Sir Thomas Dale ( Former Governor of colony Virginia – now state of Virginia USA)
1656 The small fortresses built-shaped sige four with 2 bastion
1671 Stronghold in the widening use of brick and coral reefs in terms 5 with a bastion at each corner. One is the expansion bastion beekhuis goal is also to keep the ship - the ship which is in the fix. Here capacious all the ships from pirate ships Franbois Baron ships and other gadfly.
1674 Built windmill for sawing wood and warehouse - the warehouse to store goods - goods in the pliers will send to the Netherlands / Europe.
1691 Built to two windmill
1695 The strong as the bastion and is inhabited by 148 VOC servant and about 200 slav