Monday, December 1, 2008

Hisorical Records of James Cook in Batavia

Hisorical Records of James Cook in Batavia

1 October 1770 From Savu, the Bark Endeavour enters the sunda strait.

4 October 1770 Entering the Sunda Strait.

10 October 1770 Arrives in Batavia (but,according to the locals it was October 11)

10 – 17 October 1770 Stays in Batavia and meets with Governor General Petrus Albertus van der parra, to discuss matters relating to the cost of repair and the prepare the necessary papres for repair works to be done at Onrust.

18 October 1770 Sails to Onrust and anchors around 7 fathoms off the Cuyper (Cipir)Island to wait for her turn as the docks are all occupied

23 October 1770 The ship is taken to one of the wharves on cuyper(cipir) Island to unload all supplies and goods that were stowed on the ship.

1 November 1770 The ship has been cleared of all her cargoes

5 November 1770 The ship is taken to one of the repair docks.

6 November 1770 Repair works on the HMS Bark Endeavour commences

7 November 1770 The ship is heaved down on her right side.

7 – 14 November 1770 The ship is under repair.

15 November 1770 The ship is taken back to cuyper (cipir) Island and is docked in one of the wharves.

15 November – 7 December 1770

Gathers all the necessary supplies, water and provisions while the ships mast, pump and sails are being repaired

8 December 1770 Returns to Batavia.

8 – 25 December 1770 Docks in Batavia to obtain additional waters and provisions as well as the necessary equipment. Additional repairs are also performed, among them are the painting of the ships hull and other preparations needed to returns to sea

25 December 1770 Leaves Batavia for the cape of good hope (Tanjung Harapan)