Captain James Cook on Onrust
In 1770, on his return journey from western shores of Australia, Captain James Cook made a stop at Batavia and Onrust. The purpose of this stop was to repair ship, The Bark Endeavour, which sustained quite heavy damage. Cook was impressed by the repair that were carried out by the worker of the ship yard and the by technology that was used, which according to him was the best in the world. The Meticulous work on his ship convinced him and his crew that they would be able to safely make the journey home to England.
Cook was in Batavia for Approximately 3 months, from October to December 1770
James Cook Leather
Tuesday, 23rd. In the P.M. hauled along side one of the wharfes, in order to take out our stores, etc., after which the ship is to be delivers' into the charge of the proper Officers at Onrust, Who will(as I am informed) Have her down, and repair her, with their own people, while ours must stand and look on who, if we were permitted, could do everything to the ship ourselves.
James Cook
Pujian Capt. James Cook mengenai Onrust
Employed clearing the ship of Careening gear, her bottom being now thoroughly repaired, and very much to my satisfaction. In justice to the Officers and workmen of this yard, I must say that I do not bealive that there is amarine Yard in the world where work is done with more alertness than here, or where there are better conveniences for heaving ships down both in point of safety and dispatch. Here they heave down by 2 mast; a man not only be strongly bigoted to his own costums, but in some measure divested of reason, that will not allow this, after seeing with how much ease and safety Dutch at Onrust heave down their largest ships